An organisation while producing may have some processes in the production line which seem unwanted at some stage. There is a requirement to eliminate such waste processes from project environment as unwanted processes cause delay in to the production line. The Lean Six Sigma methodology is used to identify and eliminate extra processes. We at MSP Training train delegates with Lean Six Sigma methodology through Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade course. Our instructors are Lean Six Sigma certified professionals.
MSP TrainingReducing “The Waste” with Lean Six Sigma
Featured Program Courses for PROFESSIONALS!
An organisation while producing may have some processes in the production line which seem unwanted at some stage. There is a requirement to eliminate such waste processes from project environment as unwanted processes cause delay in to the production line. The Lean Six Sigma methodology is used to identify and eliminate extra processes. We at MSP Training train delegates with Lean Six Sigma methodology through Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade course. Our instructors are Lean Six Sigma certified professionals.
The Lean Six Sigma Certifications are delivered by experienced and certified professionals
Understand the principals that lie behind Lean Six Sigma methodology
A Majority of the industry supports Lean Six Sigma to achieve its goals
Lean Six Sigma is not industry specific
Get higher salaries and perks as Lean Six Sigma professionals.
Find out what's included in the training programme.
Exams are provided, as part of the course. Obtaining certification is dependant on passing these exams
Delegates will get certification of completion at the end of the course.
Clear and concise objectives to guide delegates through the course.
A dedicated tutor will be at your disposal throughout the training to guide you through any issues.
The delegate must hold a Green Belt Certification to be elligible for the Black Belt certification exam.
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There are 8 kinds of wastes that an organisation may face. They are described as “DOWNTIME” – an acronym for
To avoid the problems caused by DOWNTIME, Lean Six Sigma recommends the 5s technique which every Lean Six Sigma professional is familiar with. This 5s technique is made up of the following 5 steps (names provided both in English as well as Japanese)
The first step, Sort, makes work easier as it eliminates the obstacles and reduces the chances of being disturbed with unnecessary items. It also removes unwanted processes or items that are not required in the production phase.
The second step, Straighten, arranges all items in a first cum first serve basis so as to easily select them for use. The third step, Shine, focuses on keeping the workplace clean such that any kind of machinery is not affected. The fourth step, Standardize, selects the best steps to be followed for the production. The last step, Sustain, refers to keeping everything in order and also make sure that standards are implemented.
In any organisation, during the production process, waste is bound to occur. Generally, this can happen as unnecessary steps creeping into the production line or processes executing with varying times. Both ways the production is affected and organisation will go into a loss. Implementation of Lean Six Sigma methods help the organisations out of such conditions. Lean Six Sigma has three levels that professionals can take up starting from the Yellow Belt, into the Green Belt and finally the Black Belt. However, there is a fourth course that is offered by Lean Six Sigma – the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade course. This course focuses on professionals who are already Green Belt Professionals and want to upgrade to Black Belt. Unlike the Black Belt course, the Upgrade version for the same does not teach the concepts of Green Belt before going into the Black Belt course.
A delegate must attempt 100 questions in the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade exam. A minimum of 70% marks is required to get the certification. The language of the exam is English. In case the delegates require any other information they will be provided with the same by the examiner just before the exam.
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Plymouth is a port city in Devon that also goes by the name of the Ocean City of Britain. The city is known for its narrow cobbled streets and a maritime heritage. Plymouth lies between the mouths of the two rivers - Plym and Tamar – and hence its name. The first settlers had come to Plymouth in the Bronze Age. It was in 1620 that the Pilgrim Fathers departed from Plymouth in search of some New World. They established a new colony at the time known as the Plymouth Colony and later as The United States of America.
Plymouth grew during the Industrial Revolution as a Commercial Shipping Port. Imports and passengers both poured into Plymouth from the Americas. Plymouth was also using its ports to export minerals such as time, lime, china clay, copper and arsenic. In 1928 Plymouth achieved a city status when three of its neighbours also joined together under the same name. During the Second World War, Plymouth was a target for the Nazi forces as it sided with the Allied forces.
Governed locally by Plymouth City Council, the city is home to 264,200 people as per the data collected in 2016. The economy of Plymouth has for long been influenced by industries such as Ship-building and sea-faring, but since the 1990’s it is turning more towards the service-based industry. In the whole of Western Europe, Plymouth is home to the biggest Naval-base.
Plymouth 2020
In 2003, Plymouth Council started the "Vision for Plymouth" – a project for the development of the city of Plymouth. The project aims to build shopping centres, an avenue as a part of the project and a cruise terminal. Another aim of the project is to increase the population to 300,000. 2004 saw the old Drake Circus being demolished and replaced by the Drake Circus Shopping Centre that opened in October 2006. In one of another project, the Plymouth City Council's headquarters are to be shifted and the civic centre to be demolished. The demolished land of civic centre will be sold so as to generate revenue for building the new council the location where the Bretonside bus station is currently located. The Plymouth Pavillion arena is also up for demolition in one of the projects. This would be replaced by a new canal links from Millbay to the city centre.
People from Plymouth are known either as Plymothians or as Janners from somebody who hails from Devon. Devon stands for Cousin Jan( a form of John).